VbScript Resources

Scripts and tools for VbScripting

Resources for VbScripting...

Scripts are presented here with TXT extensions.  In most cases you will rename them  with the VBS extension to run on your system.  If there are supporting files for the script, such as a sample input file or additional documentation, the script and supporting files are included in a ZIP archive.

CScript - Console Output

Unless specifically noted, all scripts are intended to run in "console mode" by invoking CScript.exe.  This means you will get scrolling text output in a command prompt window.  If you get a bunch of message box pop-ups, it means you are running under WScript.exe, which is, unfortunately, the Windows default.  Change the default mode by running the following command at a command prompt.  (later Windows versions will require administrative elevation)

CScript.exe  //H:CScript


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