Script Database

A database to manage your scripts and docs...


MS Access database to store scripts/docs



Last Mod

August 2010




MS Access

Finish Level



Access database designed to store scripts and their documentation. Objects are stored as OLEDB BLOBs. As such, the database can be used to store any type of file object. Besides store/extract feature, the database can be used as a crude version control for multiple instances of a script run locally on various machines. An included sample script, ProgVer.vbs, contains functions to "phone home" and check the local/running script’s version against the version stored in the database, and alert if outdated.


There is no configuration, per se, for this database. It does reference file paths to the source/destination of store and extract functions. Both paths must exist for either the store or extract operation to succeed.


This is an Access 2000 format database. It should be functional with any equal/later version of Access. A single form provides storage and retrieval for objects in the database.

The screen above shows the form for the script sample that checks the version of a running script against the version of the same script in the database. The form has two independent, but related parts, with associated action buttons at the bottom.

The top half of the form is intended for the script component, with field names being self-explanatory.

          Note: The Version Number field is numeric. As such, it will only support one decimal point.

The Script Class and Finish Level fields select from tables of similar names. Populate those tables with values of your choosing prior to storing script objects. The Order fields in the FinishLevel and ScriptClass tables control the display order of values in the combo boxes on the form.

The lower part of the form accepts information about a single documentation file. If you have more than one documentation file, combine them in an archive (ZIP or other) for storage. The Store and Extract buttons at the bottom manage the script object and documentation independently.

          Note: Clicking a button generates a confirmation prompt reminding the user the action will overwrite a destination object if it exists. There is no further warning if the destination object does exist.


None other than this document. The VBA code module used for the store/extract functions is active in the MS Access database, and has been exported, from Access, and stored in the database as a sample component, for demonstration purposes.


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